
Thursday 24 September 2015

Get inspired each day...

It begins with a lot to do and accomplish. Then as the pace picks up, I lose control and the waves swing me from one end to the other. Amidst the waves, I forget the real purpose of the day, and I lose the day. The essence is lost and nothing seems plausible for the days ahead. 

I hate this feeling. I wish i could write something like...god help me or so. But I am no weak soul. I am a strong person inside. I just need to draw the strength in the right direction. 

I need to work on the right things. It was always difficult for everyone. So why do you frown so much. Just be confident.

Start your day with the confidence. There is nothing to lose. Over the years, you have gained certain skills and people know you are worthy of standing alone at that position. So, why worry? You have nothing to lose. It is a win-win situation. You will see. Happiness is the word and the world. 

Just stay focused!!

#inspire #inspirational #focused #happiness #startuplife #blog #confidence #dontgiveup #courage #you #loveyourself #bebetter

Tuesday 26 November 2013

OH MY GOD! Sherlock is back!

That feeling when you are living a fiction story and your favorite character dies. It is the worse in the world. At that moment you wish to be the writer of this story to change this twist and rather make someone else die. You ask god that why on this earth, my favorite one had to die, why not the doc or someone else for that matter. While watching the scene your eyes stay wide open (and so is your mouth in few cases :P). Right after the episode ends, you feel a twitch in your stomach that tells you “Man! You need to know what happened next!” You don’t want to do anything post that. You just sit in a corner and think what could follow or is it all over. Expressions like “Keep calm” and “Stay patient” do not mean anything to you. It feels like going to the writer and shouting at him, you ought to show the next part right now. Even if you get back to work, your mind procrastinates and all you are thinking is when will you get to see the next part of the play where your favorite becomes alive (because he cannot die!).

Well some people might call me smart and some may call me stupid. I saw both the seasons, but I did not watch the part where Sherlock dies in the last episode. This is because if I would have seen that part, I would not have slept for days just thinking about it. This just saved little anxiety, but, I remember I was still awake that whole night.

Now, millions of fans of Sherlock Holmes who had such feelings after watching the last episode of season 2 are uniting together on channels and website to see the latest promo of the new season. This season promo excites it’s viewers by showing Sherlock good and alive as his fans want him to be. The enthusiasm, impatience and unrest among the fans are back that was long subdued by the gap between the two seasons.

Missing the “Holmesian deductions”…

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Long nights :P

Have you ever stayed awake all night for almost a week continuously?

If you have, then you might relate to the thoughts below. If not, then you may want to try it after reading this.

Night is the time when your mind settles down. It gets rid of all the sundry thoughts in there that are remote and rather focusses on some bigger ones.

My mind starts to ponder about questions that I wouldn't have cared to answer during the day. Those questions are the most essential ones. They shape your thoughts, life and emotions throughout. They have a big impact on your next moves. The answers to these questions act as the drivers to your motivation and enthusiasm in life.

These questions are not petty and are best dealt in night time. This is so because at night a person tries to relax and for a moment puts all their current problems aside. Such a mind suddenly becomes capable of handling bigger problems and situations with your best foot forward in each of them.

Well I know some people prefer to take this time out during the day. But trust me, at night there exists a silence in the air that enables you to.connect to your inner world easily ueven though people are shouting around you.

This silence helps you listen to your voice...a voice that tells you about your values, conscience and dark side.

Only after listening and accepting your true self you can strive to change yourself and make yourself better each day n each second.

Remember people...unless you know your true self, you will lead the same life each day!!

Be the change n rock your world...because change is the only constant.

Thursday 7 March 2013

All you will get is a Thanks…

After all those efforts of making things right for someone you care for, all you get is a formal “Thank you”…it sucks!!

There are instances in life when you think that the person you helped is not thankful for whatever you did. You feel pathetic about this thought. This is so, because it was something that you did for their happiness without seeing your selfish desire of being happy. Howsoever mild help it may be, you at least expect a “Thanks.”But, if you get a thankless reply, your feelings are hurt and you don’t want to help people anymore. This is about people who are your friends.

Now, the people whom you care for…when these people start thanking you for whatever help you provide to them, then your life becomes miserable. It is a clear indication of how important those people are to you, and what minute place you hold in their jumbo lives. This feeling is the worst when you can see people don’t care for you, but because you are polite to them they talk to you nicely. It hurts deep inside and it hurts badly.

The essence of all my confusion rather anger is that the people are just being nice to you because they know you care for them.

With the thought stated above, came a flow of more thoughts…

Is this the plight of all the guys who are in one sided relationships (I know, it’s sort of an oxymoron, but they are the potential relationships)??
Is this the plight of all those people mad in love with someone who don’t even care about them?
Is this just a phase and a matter of psychological studies?
Is this a matter of right or wrong people?
Is this an example of parent child relationship, where a child says thank you to his/her parents, because he/she is not able to communicate his feelings properly.
Or is this just too much of thought on a stupid situation?

Well, it is a mystery to me. I would appreciate if I could get some help from outside.

Saturday 29 December 2012

Just be the change...

Everyone here knows what has happened; still everyone is talking about the same. Nobody is talking what they can do to improve the condition of our nation and avoid such incidences in future. Individuals can really contribute by not just joining the protest march. As the march will only give satisfaction to the present and maybe some past incidences. We all need to plan for a better future, where girls can live and not die a painful death like this.

Everyone is questioning the political system of India and expecting them to react to it. Let me ask one thing- After seeing the past record how many times has the political parties reacted to a situation appropriately? How many of those candle marches have been provided justice? How many sufferers have got justice and peace back? After adding up all the numbers above if your answer is still a small number, then please wake up and look up to the right people for the right solution.

Yes, the right people are you, your friends, acquaintances and family members. You always think that none of our known ones can do such a crime, so, why even take the pain of discussing it with them. But, it is not so. If you discuss it with the people you know and inflict in them the same thoughts – respecting a woman, raping as heinous crime etc, then you might be the one who changes or shakes at least one person’s conscience and stop him from committing a crime or seeing one either.

As we all remember it was a gang rape, damned six devils were present there. Our friends, with whom we talk, can propagate the same thoughts further to all sorts of people they know. Such awareness drives has to be an individual effort. Males and females should talk about this openly as the devils don’t show mercy when they do it openly (then why should we not talk about it openly).

Present scenario of the city has gone from bad to worse and is continuing to go that way. The only way to stop it is to change the mindset of the people. More people need to talk about it and create awareness so that when generation Y (as they are called) goes forward to take respectable positions, they should not misuse their power and they should provide justice to all the victims. Only they can promote a healthy India. So, if we want a better future for our nation, we need to work on building the thoughts of tomorrow’s youth on different and more sensible lines. This will make some change and some things a little better for our generations to come.

Don’t wait…Just be the change….because people have died and are dying a painful and unfulfilling death by just expecting the change will happen on its own. It is useless to rely on the political system. However, people who appropriately know the legal terms must work in the direction of orienting the laws to be stricter in this respect.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Thought for the day??

Little girl portrait thinking Stock Photo - Royalty-Free, Artist: eric1513                      , Code: 400-04977691

...really is it always a thought for the day? Well, in my case I always get a thought at night that stays with me throughout the darkness and goes off in the morning until I write about it.

A thought is nothing but some words that force you into deeper insights about you and your life. It comes like a roller coaster in your mind, either puts everything out of place or puts everything into place. This makes your world more sensible than ever and leaves you with more questions to help you delve into deeper insights. 

The whole process of thought coming in your mind, hitting your nervous system hard and fading out slowly, changes your outlook.

But the downside is that whatever we do and with whoever we are greatly affect our thoughts. So, in order to make them better, it is necessary to keep good company and do the right things ( need to define " right" for yourself).

Thought for the day or the night, 
can be heavy, just take it light!!

Take care people n keep thinking...